The Supermarket van Gurp BV is one out of the 217 independent PLUS supermarkets in the Netherlands. In addition, there are 254 direct PLUS supermarkets in the Netherlands. The purchasing and retailing system is centrally organised by PLUS. The independent supermarket owners are fully responsible for the amount of fruit and vegetable ordered. A high quality of the ordered fruit and vegetable and a function logistic chain control (unbroken humidification and cooling) with an increased storage life would improve sales and customer satisfaction and reduce food waste and disposal costs. In general, the competiveness of supermarkets, especially smaller and independent ones could be improved. Supermarkt van Gurp BV has 24 full-time equivalent employees and is selling more than 12.000 different products on more than 2500 m2 sales area. Supermarkt van Gurp BV is a typical example for an independent supermarket in the Netherlands in terms of size and selling power and representing their interests and needs.
Main tasks in the project:
Supermarkt van Gurp BV is the link to the final costumer. Having a huge interest in selling high quality (more sales & less waste) the supermarket will install one prototype system in a cooling storage room and one prototype in the open display for fresh fruits and vegetables. The supermarket will run and supervise the prototypes for the demonstration period of 6 month and organize a demonstration workshop for other interested clients. They will also provide information on their requirements regarding humidification/disinfection systems in general as well as site-specific data (e.g. electricity consumption) for the ecologic and economic evaluation of the FRESH-DEMO performance from a lifecycle perspective.